little sisters and death wishes

Jon Ford
Fri Mar 26 17:25:10 2004

Michael-- I keep hearing this "Israelis are Nazis"  metaphor; Israelis are 
Fascists or Zionism is Fascism is another variety. All this is  illogical in 
the extreme, really only a type of name calling propaganda having its 
origins among the Palestinian hate-mongers.  At best  it's a faulty analogy 
(Like the Nazis, Israel has a lot of guns, and they use them against their 
enemies. So you might as well say every country with an army is Nazi. But 
there is a lot more to being a Nazi or Fascist than that!

To say Israelis are "reborn Nazis" is pushing the little comparison  into 
the domain of the X-Files, making hate speech and faulty thinking into 
something mythical, creating a "true believer" religion out of hating 
Israel, Israelis, and, more generally, Jews. Makes me want to vomit.


>From: "Michael Eisenstadt" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: re: little sisters and death wishes
>Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 03:16:34 -0600
>I wrote:
>  > The Israelis are not reborn Nazis,
>Peipi wrote:
> > How do you know they're not!?
>They know they are not just as I know I am not a reborn Nazi.
>Maybe you have doubts about yourself in this regard. I cannot
>be a reborn Nazi because I do not share their views. If you
>were to say, maybe you are a reborn Nazi even though you don't
>share their views, I would say that that is self-contradictory therefore
>If you delight in self-contradiction, then I would conclude you
>have an animus against logical thought as well as against Israelis.
>In other words, your considerable amount of brainpower is going
>to waste. Of course if embracing Buddhist mumbo-jumbo makes
>you feel better, hey its a free country. Your sister and/or you are
>like the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland who boasted that she
>sometimes believed in up to 5 impossible things BEFORE

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