Interstellar Communication Difficulties
Fri Mar 26 21:08:30 2004

I sorta regret opening my big yap and getting dragged into this no-win
exchange. But having dropped in for a chat I guess I should rise to the

It's a pretty thankless task to approach these topics, particularly with
an elderly citizen whose Mind Was Made Up long ago, and for whom Common
Sense Lords Above All.

Like reincarnation. You either subscribe or you don't. As far as I m
concerned, as a reasonably well-education white Western male, there is
nothing in Buddhist or Hindu theory that is not in accord with
contemporary Western scientific thought. Ever heerda "The Tao of Physics"
or a load of those other attempts to cross cultures?

I think Jon may have tipped his hand with the pithy "Buddhist mumbo-jumbo"
observation. Hey, Hinduism and Buddhism (not to mention the Tao) can pull
rank on your desert religions in terms of history and culture. Long before
the desert religionists (I lump together the Xtians, Jews and Muslims,
along with their co-religionists the Zoroastrians and all the other
tutti-frutti of Middle Eastern religions "borrowing" doctrine from each
other round then) were running around burning bulls and bushes there was a
whole cosmology / scientific apparatus going. As in several thousand years

Why should reincarnation be any zanier than "this is my blood - drink it"
or the customs of the Hasidim wearing their Abraham Lincoln drag in lower

Just how it comes to pass, whether you choose or are chosen, how it is
possible to remember (even in fleeting fragments) -- that is a much
murkier matter. Having practiced Eastern spiritual discipline (somewhat
half-heartedly, I will confess) for 35 years, I have experienced a
pervasive influence on my world outlook.

Everybody tries to explain life around him or her on the basis of what
they learn. That's all I was suggesting. And the idea of attraction (or
repulsion, as negative attraction) influencing rebirth.

I did pick on a sore point, though. Just goes to show that you can't deal
with Middle East political and military excitement without risking being
drawn into the vortex. Ah.

Parenthetically, Ed Lacey, the Canadian poet and UT Grad Student in
Linguistics I've referred to here before upon occasion, had a novel and
intriguing notion about the "Jewish homeland". He thought that they should
have been awarded Bavaria. Kind of cute, doncha think? But of course
everybody lays claim to the same territory -- otherwise it's no fun.

Here's Ed's poem (cut and pasted, from THIRD WORLD, the book of travel
poetry I edited) on the subject:

Dome of the Rock

God was not love or law,
God was the blood I saw,
the ever-flowing blood
staining water and sod.
Irving Layton, "Orpheus"

Below, the Jews rock at their Wailing Wall:
the dark, stiff-bearded, proud Hassidic Jews;
tourist Jews in hot shirts and paper beanies;
survivors, both? Perhaps. They nod and pray
while an old Pole rains down death on Arab towns
in their name, death on Arab cities like the one
that spreads its tentacles of shop, dark alley
and hate around them here, through which they wend
to prayer, uncomprehending, as before.
Pauvre peuple maudit. From having been
prisoners of mellah and ghetto, to become
colons in their own country, which they know
will vanish like the others - Maccabees,
Hasmoneans, Herodians, Crusaders.
The Chosen People - of what mocking God?
Here above, on this mound they cannot enter,
where Solomon and Herod built their temples,
which foreigners destroyed, where the Holy of Holies
lies forever hidden, inexcavable,
rude Arab guards shout at Gentile sightseers
strolling among stiff cypresses and cedars:
No entrance here! No shoes! No immodest dress
Religion's endless litany of "no's."
There is the Golden Gate, where Jesus entered
the city on his donkey, Eternal Ass,
but you cannot approach, follow his steps;
the Arabs have blocked it up, for Jewish legend
says the Messiah will enter here, and they
want nothing of Him: they await the Mahdi.
(Although these walls are not Herodian, anyhow;
they were built by Suleiman the Magnificent,
a Turk, in the sixteenth century). That dome
of silver is El Aqsa, the Western Mosque,
westernmost point of all Muhammad's wanderings
(physical and mental ones, for he flew here).
Built by Ommayyads, made a church by Crusaders,
restored by Saladin (a Kurd),
set on fire by an Australian (or was he Jordanian?
- identities soon blur in the Middle East)
twelve years ago. A guide will show the spot
where a Palestinian gunned down King Abdallah
as he left his Friday prayers, thirty years ago.
Thirty years? Thirty centuries of hate! Below,
the Jews stick messages to God in crannies
of their Wall (all they have left), mumble and nod.
Black suits, white shawls, skull-caps. The Arab merchants,
defying Shabbat, wearing other kinds
of skull-caps, or keffiyehs, work the tourists
from those dark shops where they sprawl and smile and bargain
and hate all day, moving like snakes, to strike.
Arab women in the rich, red embroidery
of Guatemalan Indians squat, sell their wares.
The enemy? What if the enemy
is oneself? One's own self-doubt? One's masochism,
or a guilty conscience? (Didn't that concept
arise with this Chosen People, anyway?)
Down by the gate where Stephen, first Christian martyr,
was stoned to death, Arab children celebrate
Id-El-Fitr, in their new clothes, eating felaffel,
riding donkeys, mounting wooden ferris-wheels
spun by two brawny men, shrieking with delight
as the wheel rises five metres: these belong.
This is their land, their home, their festival.
No one can take it from them. The Other People
come from everywhere and nowhere. Where is here?
They have no answer, self-fulfilling prophets,
knowing what's taken must be given back,
a paranoid people, always remembering
Ahab and Naboth's vineyard and Elijah,
and the dogs shall lick the blood of Jezabel.
Approach the dome of gold now, with its blue
and green faïence tiles, given by King Hussein;
geometric lozenges, and an endless ribbon
of calligraphy proclaiming God is Great
and Beautiful and Only and Supreme.
Enter, and in the darkness you'll behold,
looming up craggily, the rock.
The peek of Mount Moriah. The first land
to emerge from primal seas, when God's hand pointed;
and it will be the last, legend says, to sink
in the final fire; that chain hanging from the dome
points down to the exact centre of the earth
(as all chains do - but let us not be quibblers).
This the mountaintop where Abraham
lured Isaac (Muslims say it was Ishmael,
and Samaritans - who still exist - insist
it's a different mountain), his best-loved son,
to sacrifice him blindly to an angry
God in a burning bush. That God was pleased
by His servant's obedience, stayed his hand, sent an angel,
and placed a sheep conveniently nearby,
in a thicket's completely irrelevant
to the fact that blood was spilt to please a God
innocent blood was spilled on the Holy Rock
to please a primitive God that lives on blood.
Abraham, father of three religions,
all drenched in blood. In a few weeks, the Muslims
will celebrate the feast of the Sacrifice.
Already they are fattening sheep; each family
(even those living in apartment houses;
the sound of baaing fills the quiet nights)
has a pet ram now that is fed and coddled,
paraded by proud children on daily walks,
with its fat tail, pink ribbon and pink paint mark.
It thinks it's loved, and it responds with love,
quite unsuspecting that, early on the feast day
the father of the family will slit
its throat, spill its blood ritually, till it dies,
while those same children watch, grave-eyed with wonder,
then eat it, make a rug out of its skin.
The blood-soaked human race! This is the rock
whence Muhammad one night, on his poet's wings
and his Pegasus, El Burak, sprang to the seventh Heaven,
talked there with God, with prophets and with angels,
and brought his message back, of justice, mercy,
forgiveness - and blood, too. Scant miles from here,
over dry rolling hills, the other one,
the lonely one, the man on the donkey,
who tried (and failed) to send a different message,
was born. Within three days his birth was marked
by blood - the Slaughter of the Innocents.
He said "This is my body. This is my blood."
"Take ye and eat. Take ye and drink." They did.
He died in blood, and three hundred yards away
(in a dark church which five denominations
control and fight over, and which they claim
is the earth's real centre) his body lies.
(It does not lie there, naturally: "He is risen";
though Muslims say he did not even die;
another was crucified in his place; he rose
to heaven, and will return at the end of time
when Mount Moriah burns; an empty tomb
awaits him at Medina, beside the Prophet;
and many Protestants believe the body
lays in another spot, outside the walls
of this strange city.) The Dome of the Rock.
Look around now in the cool octagon
with its circling windows - clearly Byzantine,
which of course means an imitation of the Roman -
and the columns holding it up are Corinthian;
it was built originally by an Ommayyad caliph,
used also by the Crusaders - how one tires
of names, facts, history's burden! I softly pad
on red Rabat carpets given by the King
of Morocco, circle round and round the Rock
and look up
into a fantasy of red and gold
stylised vegetation
and no human form,
infinite yearning for the unknown God,
Maker of all, the Beautiful, the One,
faceless and formless, pure spirit, pure good.
The children shriek with happiness at their funfair.
An old Pole rains down death on Arab towns.
Below the Jews wail at their Western Wall,
forever damned. I stare down at the Rock.
But the Rock runs red with blood!

(Note: This poem should succeed in offending everybody, and I do not feel
like annotating it; it is largely self-explanatory, and its references
will be clear to anyone who knows anything about the Bible, Christianity,
Islam and/or Jerusalem. The phenomenon I refer to in the last line is of
course the afterimage that would appear on the rock if one switched one's
gaze to it after a long time spent staring at the red-and-gold dome.)


> So, Jon, don't hang with the Gibson crowd anymore?
> I agree with your sentiments, btw.
> wayne
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jon Ford" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 1:03 PM
> Subject: re: little sisters and death wishes
>> Michael-- I keep hearing this "Israelis are Nazis"  metaphor; Israelis
>> are
>> Fascists or Zionism is Fascism is another variety. All this is
>> illogical
> in
>> the extreme, really only a type of name calling propaganda having its
>> origins among the Palestinian hate-mongers.  At best  it's a faulty
> analogy
>> (Like the Nazis, Israel has a lot of guns, and they use them against
>> their
>> enemies. So you might as well say every country with an army is Nazi.
>> But
>> there is a lot more to being a Nazi or Fascist than that!
>> To say Israelis are "reborn Nazis" is pushing the little comparison
>> into
>> the domain of the X-Files, making hate speech and faulty thinking into
>> something mythical, creating a "true believer" religion out of hating
>> Israel, Israelis, and, more generally, Jews. Makes me want to vomit.
>> Jon
>> >From: "Michael Eisenstadt" <>
>> >Reply-To:
>> >To: <>
>> >Subject: re: little sisters and death wishes
>> >Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 03:16:34 -0600
>> >
>> >I wrote:
>> >
>> >  > The Israelis are not reborn Nazis,
>> >
>> >Peipi wrote:
>> >
>> > > How do you know they're not!?
>> >
>> >They know they are not just as I know I am not a reborn Nazi.
>> >
>> >Maybe you have doubts about yourself in this regard. I cannot
>> >be a reborn Nazi because I do not share their views. If you
>> >were to say, maybe you are a reborn Nazi even though you don't
>> >share their views, I would say that that is self-contradictory
> therefore
>> >impossible.
>> >
>> >If you delight in self-contradiction, then I would conclude you
>> >have an animus against logical thought as well as against Israelis.
>> >
>> >In other words, your considerable amount of brainpower is going
>> >to waste. Of course if embracing Buddhist mumbo-jumbo makes
>> >you feel better, hey its a free country. Your sister and/or you are
>> >like the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland who boasted that she
>> >sometimes believed in up to 5 impossible things BEFORE
>> >
>> >Best,
>> >
>> >Mike
>> >
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