[flow-tools] Debian packages available

Robin Elfrink robin@a1.nl
Fri, 28 Sep 2001 21:02:48 +0200

Hi all,

For my own convenience I have built flow-tools-0.55 as a Debian package. I 
thought I'd share it with all who are interested. It's apt'able by adding the 
following to /etc/apt/sources.list :

deb http://debian.a3.nl other main

There's an i386 binary and an alpha binary (although I haven't tested the 
latter but I happened to have a Multia doing nothing else). I didn't get it 
compiling (yet) on the very unstable Debian/mips...

This is the original 0.55 version.

I'd appreciate any comments.

---------- Have a nice day! ----------
Robin Elfrink <robin@a1.nl>
A3 Enschede B.V.