[flow-tools] Separate flow files for multiple routers

Mark Fullmer maf@eng.oar.net
Wed, 17 Apr 2002 09:53:19 -0400

Make sure syslog is configured properly to log
messages from flow-capture (local6 by default) and/or
start the second flow-capture with -d99 -D.  Multiple
instances of flow-capture running on the same server
will work.

On Wed, Apr 17, 2002 at 03:24:47PM +0400, Mayank Agarwal wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to collect NetFlow exports from two 
> routers, and I would like to store them in separate 
> directories. I am unable to launch a second instance 
> of flow-capture if one is already running (there's no 
> error message either). if I run flow-tools with the 
> exporter address as 0 to collect flows from both 
> routers, the data is stored in a single file and I 
> can't analyse them individually.
> How can I store or analyse the data from the two 
> routers separately? Thanks in advance,
> Mayank
> _______________________________________________
> flow-tools@splintered.net
> http://www.splintered.net/sw/flow-tools