[flow-tools] flow-tag connodrum?

Horatio B. Bogbindero wyy@admu.edu.ph
Mon, 20 May 2002 15:14:11 +0800

i am quite happy with flow-tag however i am encountering this connondrum. i 
have define a tag file similar to the one below.

tag-action MY_DST
 type dst-prefix
 match 192.168.185/24 set-dst 0x010001
 match 192.168.186/24 set-dst 0x010002
 match 192.168.187/24 set-dst 0x010003
tag-action MY_SRC
 type src-prefix
 match 192.168.185/24 set-src 0x010001
 match 192.168.186/24 set-src 0x010002
 match 192.168.187/24 set-src 0x010003
tag-action OTHER_DST
 match 0/0 set-dst 0x0
tag-action OTHER_SRC
 match 0/0 set-src 0x0
tag-definition MY_DST
 output-filter 0,2,C
 action MY_DST
 action OTHER_DST
tag-definition MY_SRC
 input-filter 0,2,C
 action MY_SRC
 action OTHER_DST

but when i run the command:

flow-tag -t /home/wyy/client/svi-tags -TMY_DST < slice | flow-filter 
-G0|flow-print -f9 | less

it seems that the leaks out? can there be a possible 
explanation for this. or can somebody give me tips on how to debug fttag 
code. i haven't really looked into the fttag code yet. but, some hints 
would really be appreciated. 

btw, the flow-filter above is patch one with tag support. this is the 
reason why i needed it in the first place.

thanks. and keep up the good work.

William Emmanuel S. Yu
Ateneo Campus Network Group (AteneoCNG)
email  :  wyu at ateneo dot edu
web    :  http://CNG.ateneo.net/wyu/
phone  :  +63(2)4266001-4186
GPG    :  http://CNG.ateneo.net/wyu/wyy.pgp