[Jacob-list] rams chasing pregnant ewes

Royal D. Unzicker runzicker at erols.com
Mon Apr 17 20:04:01 EDT 2000

Several years ago I took a sheep husbandry course.  One of things we 
were told was that a ewe close to lambing gives off a scent similar to a 
ewe in heat and that rams may, indeed, be very interested in her. I have 
seen this happen in my flock sometimes but certainly not alot. Perhaps 
it varies from ewe to ewe. I once had a ram try to mount a ewe whose 
water bag was out.  That did it for me. I keep the rams separate from 
all ewes and I keep the ewes who have lambed separate from the ewes who 
have not lambed. Although that is mainly for feeding purposes. 

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