[Jacob-list] Re: udder

Wayne & Edie Van Valkenburg joyew at mindspring.com
Fri Apr 13 09:58:06 EDT 2001

Wayne & Edie Van Valkenburg wrote:

> You are correct about this if she were a first time mother.  At her
> youthful age she had a beautiful tight udder up high.  So does al her
> offspring.  Years of lambing and age has taken its toll.  Just look at
> us at 20 and then again at 65.  Also nature tends to adjust to the
> amount of babies an animal is going to have.
> Did you ever notice that in all sheep or goats if the udder is quite big
> and extended the more lambs or kids produced at that time.
> by fall she will be back to quite her normal aged self, and the udder
> will be much higher and tighter.
> Nature is wonderfully amazing. We have had younger Jacob with udders so
> high you could hardly see them when in lactation, but the babies
> received ample milk.
> I believe Salem's number is 9404 which means she is 7 years old.
> Have a Blessed Easter,
> Edie

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