[Jacob-list] (no subject)

Edd Bissell bissell at usit.net
Wed Aug 22 21:00:24 EDT 2001

>Evalyn wrote, "It is important to me to breed for what I consider to be a 
>typical Jacob."  That probably sums up the difficulties within the various 
>breed organizations.  We Americans are independent types - and what I 
>consider typical and what someone else considers typical - may not be 
>in  a given organization's breed standard......and hence the occasional 
>Sue Martin


True but what Evalyn said was nicely done.  In the Jacob the horns and 
fleece and size and color and balance and HORN SETcan vary a little with 
all of us and still come out with a nice animal.  And if we all use just a 
little good animal common sense then within all of our flocks we will have 
the overall diversity to keep the breed not only within the parameters of 
both breed standards but keep the breed itself  much like it should 
be.  Not so much "improvement" but somewhat consistent with what it is today.

Edd Bissell
New Market, Tn.

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