[Jacob-list] Alfalfa Hay

Kathryn Shirley humbug7 at worldnet.att.net
Mon Nov 26 20:11:18 EST 2001

Soybean is more expensive per ton, but we don't have to feed all that
much as the crude protein is somewhere around 48%.  We need a very small
amount to boost our grain mix to 16% (or use 16% protein blocks).  Then
I use the standard 8-10% protein hay.  Comes out much, much cheaper than
purchasing and using alfalfa hay.  We can't get it in round bales.  The
5.50-6.50 a bale does not include stacking or delivery.

Right now, I get 850 pound round bales for $30 (live near metropolitan
area).  It is fed free choice with a sheep round bale feeder.  Then I
add 16% energy/protein block and free choice mineral salt and I'm done.
In the spring, they get an additional boost from the lespedeza and
clover that grows in my pasture.

Kate Shirley
Humbug Farm
North Carolina

Grose wrote:

> How big are your bales and what is the quality? If your bales weigh 50
> pounds apiece, that would work out to $120 per ton. I would expect to
> pay this much plus shipping from your area, depending on quality. As a
> guess this hay is about 20% crude protein and 66% TDN in your area,
> 62% TDN in N.C. Given that 48%CP soybean oil meal is $200 per ton and
> corn is $71 per ton, this is expensive. Of course this [$120/T] is the
> same price as wheat straw sold to landscapers around here! [Perhaps I
> am in the wrong business.] We raise alfalfa but save it for the
> highest producing cows. It is in round bales which should cost
> somewhat less. The fineness of stems and length of cut that you end up
> with [the physical form of the forage] will make a lot of difference
> in how well the idiots clean up their feed. We spent big bucks last
> year to purchase a round baler that cuts the hay as it enters the bale
> chamber. The result is much less wasted feed and higher feed
> consumption.Neal
>      ----- Original Message -----
>      From: Jim Spahr
>      To: Jacob List Members
>      Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 11:33 AM
>      Subject: [Jacob-list] Alfalfa Hay
>       The expense of alfalfa hay in the South has been
>      mentioned.  I am curious as to the price you have to pay.
>      In Ohio, we are paying $3.00/bale for good quality alfalfa
>      hay, delivered and put in the mow.  We feel that .50 or 1.00
>      more for alfalfa hay is not adding to our feed bill, as they
>      waste less.Has anyone heard of the way some show lambs are
>      being fed?  This year I was told by a woman showing at the
>      Oh. State Fair, that some are being fed NO hay, causing them
>      to try to eat their bedding material - straw or shavings!
>      Some are on a diet of
>      Ensure.
>      Mary Spahr
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