[Jacob-list] give it a rest

SJohn21855 at aol.com SJohn21855 at aol.com
Sun Oct 28 07:13:19 EST 2001

Hi all,
 You know, it's been a long time since I read or wrote anything on the Jacob 
list. My life has been so hectic lately that I haven't had time, but I kinda 
"stepped into" this one this morning and I feel the need to say something.
 Why does everything have to get to be such a big deal with some of you guys? 
If something was said to offend someone, why couldn't it have just ended with 
"oh, gee, I'm sorry if I offended you"? Where is common curtesy? I go along 
with Thom - it doesn't matter if the person saying it could see why it 
offended or not, suffice it to say that it did. Yes, if you look hard enough 
these days, you can always find something to be offended by, but, standing 
back and saying, hey, my family has said it for years and it's my 
constitutional right to say what I want, is just not right. I was raised by a 
man who's family owned slaves - should I go on saying the things that I heard 
growing up just because it's my constitutional right? I think not, (for one 
thing someone would probably kill me - and they would be right). Someone once 
told me, "Just because that's the way it's always been done, doesn't mean 
that it's the right way to do it!". Two wrongs don't make a right, no matter 
how you add them up.
 The other thing is - how and why did God and Christians get drug into it? I 
am a Christian and as I have said before - you don't have to believe what I 
believe (that's between you and God, or your maker, or the atoms, or the 
diva's, or whatever you believe in) I won't slur your beliefs if you don't 
slur mine. America is made up from a hodge podge of all different races and 
beliefs. To say that God had a sick sense of humor when he made Jewish people 
was totally inappropriate and uncalled for, I may not be Jewish, but I take a 
stand against that kind of prejudice. If you believe the Bible, we are all 
descendants of those first Jews. If you don't believe the Bible - well...... 
we're all descended from Apes! Even though I believe (and am glad I do) that 
we all have the Jewish blood -- sometimes the way that we act does make me 
 We need to all grow up. There are most definitely bigger and worse things to 
get excited over in this day and age. People are dying from Anthrax, being 
bombed, having planes run into them, starving to death and watching their 
children starve to death, and yes, even jumping out of 110 story buildings to 
escape the flames. Let's put all of this into perspective. The person whose 
feelings you hurt today may be the one that you have to call on tomorrow to 
save your life or the life of your family. I'm sure that there aren't only 
non-believing whites (where did that come from anyway -- my skin isn't really 
white) fighting for OUR (and that "our" includes everyone who lives in this 
country, no matter what race, religion, or belief) country right now. I would 
just about bet that there are Jewish and Christians over there also. 
God bless,

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