[Jacob-list] Endopyte fescue

Grose NLGrose at Yadtel.net
Thu Sep 6 19:08:37 EDT 2001

Endophyte infected fescue is somewhat poisonous to animals. This makes it useful in lawns because all those  turf bugs stay away, and Gardens Alive! can make a killing selling stuff that I  pay a premium to keep out of pastures. BUT. In this area [[North Carolina] it lives, which is more than you can say for other perennial pasture grasses. The endophyte fescue has more tolerance to heat, cold, and draught, and grows over a longer portion of the year than anything else. Most year-round grazing systems wind up including some infected fescue, but try to get by with a little as possible. If you can use a paddock system, its usually best to grow different types of grass separately so that each can be grazed when it is at its best. Otherwise, mix them and the one that is hardiest in you area will wind up predominating the pasture. Life is sooo confusing. Sorry.
                                                                      Neal Grose
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