[Jacob-list] Primitive Traits.

Wayne & Edie Van Valkenburg joyew at mindspring.com
Mon Jan 7 19:07:17 EST 2002

I have never really evaluated our Jacob as primitive or not.  We have
just been breeding them for the last 18 years as close to the breed
standard and the characteristics that seem to be "Jacob"
Most of the characteristics you listed are very evident in our flock
with these exceptions for the American Jacob.
The fleece is open, occasionally  shows luster, has an excellent handle
and does not show much lanolin.  The yield is usually 75% when washed.
In our flock most of our girls when they reach 5 or 6 have triplets.  It
is wonderful because  9 out of 10 times they raise them completely on
their own.
They have wonderful longevity.  One of our first ewes was at least 12
when she came to our farm and lived another 12 years.  Lambing for at
least 8 of them.
We have both 2 and 4-horned Jacob and they are of medium size.
Occasionally, one will be born that will grow quickly and larger.  They
have a sloped rump and the older ones showed slight hockiness and toe
out.  I believe this is part of their natural form for jumping.  If
cornered and not familiar with their surroundings as they will jump from
a standstill right over your shoulder.
They are inquisitive, more goat like and are just absolutely wonderful.
A real delight to behold, spin and also enjoy for food, if you can stand
to part with one.
We are enjoying all your information, keep it up.
Edie & Wayne Van Valkenburg, Joy Farm

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