[Jacob-list] Caught one of them ...

2512 at nethawk.com 2512 at nethawk.com
Sun Jan 27 22:01:37 EST 2002

From: "Gary Tomas Fay"
> List,
> I forgot all about the two books that I had, Raising Sheep the Modern
> Way and Beginning Shepherds Manual. I went back through them, and even
> broke down and prepared an order from Jeffers.
> Weak Kid syringe with tube (It was cheap enough),
> Misc. nipples
> Super Lamb Instant Milk Replacer,
> Dried Colostrum - Natur's Way ( This was marked Cattle and other animals
>                             - do they make one specifically for sheep.
> Do these contain Antibodies?
>                             - For some reason I figured it would be
> species specific with antibodies.
>                             - no sense in making sheep anti cattle
> antibodies unless required ! )
> Uterine Bolus - (Why is there Urea in it, and I hope there is more
>                                    than that for sterilization, or is
> the goal to just limit growth?)
> 10% Povidone Iodine, topical, (compare to beta dine - Generic)
> Is there anything else I may need? I saw a lamb puller, and
> I saw one in the book with three finger caps that looked easier
> than the commercial one. It seems however that that is one
> thing that would be better done by hand. )

Gary, I think you are prepared pretty well.  I have found with our Jacobs,
if you have all that stuff on hand, you won't need it.  But if you don't
have it--you will.

Our birthing kit has evolved to contain:

BoSe-(selenium and vitamin e) shot and syringes-tiny 22 guage inch needles
like for people --Michigan is selenium deficient so we always give this to
rubber gloves
iodine and film container for dunking navel
clean old diapers or towels for wiping baby
Sheep book describing "normal" and "abnormal"--we use Raising Sheep the
Modern Way- keep in mind though, you probably won't see the stuff that can
go wrong much at all with the Jacob Sheep.  If in doubt- ask the list- they
are great!
I am going to buy Ron Parker's book though, I had a chance to leaf through
one and I wish I would of bought it.

We always have on hand penicillin G, vitamin B, SMZ and A,D and E, Banamine,
pepto bismol, baking soda, mineral oil : just in case we ever have a sick
sheep or llama.  I am probably forgetting something:) Our vet usually trusts
our descriptions via phone and can direct us if we need to begin treatment.
Many times he never needs to come out.

This has been all we typically need, but it never hurts to have all that
other stuff just incase!  It never fails you only seem to need it if you
don't have it!  Good luck Gary and  you sound like you are going to make a
great shepherd.  Once you see those beautiful black and white babies- you
will be hooked!

Herb and Bonnie Sutten
Sheepy Thyme Farm  Edmore, MI

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