I'm still here, just busy & question Re: [Jacob-list] Hello Again

J Thomas shepherdofspots at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 9 00:08:41 EDT 2002

Hi all! I'm still here, too, just busy. I live north
of Raleigh in NC. It's VERY dry. Pasture has little
grass -- pine trees are dropping brown needles. It
looks like October. Had some rain last week, am
praying that the forecast rain for later this week
comes (they predict on and off showers all day on
Thursday & Friday).

Husband was going to be down-sized so took early leave
package at beginning of June. We've started our own
company -- a computer repair franchise. He does the
fixin', I do the administrative and bookkeeping
details. That work, coupled with the kids (thank God
we're on summer break, we home teach, too!), gentling
lambs & poultry for the fair (Carl - I love my hens,
have twelve more brooding in my sunroom, kids' 4H
project for this summer & fall!), and creating fleece
and fiber creations for local street festival in
August and 4 day Christmas show & sale in November
makes the days fly by.

Haven't separated rams and ewes. On limited acreage,
don't really have proper fencing to do that right now.
That's in the later this year plans.

Have made final decisions on who is sold at sales this
fall, who will breed this year, non-breeders, this
year's ram, etc. Also just finished drenching, doing
hoofs and vaccines.  When all is settled, should end
up with about 11 sheep (including my shetland wethers
(3) part of my "fleece flock" and my new border
leicester ewe lamb (non-breeder this year)). This
year's lambs aren't growing as fast. Think it goes
back to a challenge I had with Tractor Supply sheep
and goat protein blocks last fall/winter.

Question - I've just started to use the large, round
baled hay (don't have pasture, must feed hay, did
someone say "profit"?!?). What type of feeders, if
any, do you all use with the horned sheep? I want
something that they won't get easily caught in AND
that I'll be able to move from paddock to paddock
w/out a tractor. Suggestions & recommendations
welcome. Right now, I'm leaning toward a collapsible
round hay bale feeder from D-S Livestock Supply in MD.

Have a great day all!

Joy Thomas, Shepherd
Son-Rise Farm, Creedmoor NC
Home of The Fleece Flock
Jacob, Shetland & Border Leicester Sheep
Website:   www.shepherdofspots.com
E-Mail:    joy at shepherdofspots.com

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