[Jacob-list] wool products.

DAVID LEFEVER oberlef at supernet.com
Thu Jun 27 15:30:43 EDT 2002

Just received 5 big boxes from Ohio Valley Natural Fiber.  What a nice job
they did.  We had a lined comforter made, batting for pillows,and white,
black and dark brown roving.  I had a mix batch of roving made
before...funny to see how different the color is this time.  too bad I am
so hot I can't really enjoy all the goodies!  Looks like I will have to
find a room to store them until cooler weather comes.  
Hope everyone and their sheep are doing well. Katrina Lefever, Chicory Lane.
ps. just before I sent this off, I remembered that the dk brown roving was
made out of the lone Border Leister cross fleece I had here from the
cross-breds we used to own!  Now I am going to have to look at it closer...

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