[Jacob-list] Re: New jacob owner

Shawn Hoefer shawnhoefer at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 7 11:18:08 EDT 2003

Add a hallelujah from Colorado. I was initially very interested in the registry, but have since
decided that I want my flock to look and behave the way that I want my flock to look and behave
and I could really care less about what is considered 'right' by someone who has no clue what I
want my flock to look and behave like.


--- Thomas Simmons <creaganlios at prexar.com> wrote:
> Mark wrote,
> "Well, I should just shut up, but I guess I have had too much coffee this
> morning and just can't help myself....When registration is a beauty
> contest(as JSBA and
> JSC has it) the paperwork means nothing to me....."
> Hey Mark, can you hear the BIG "Amen!" being shouted out over in New
> Hampshire?! :-)
> Thom
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