[Jacob-list] HOOKING WITH YARN in...

Mary Ellen Hansson mhansson1 at triad.rr.com
Mon Apr 14 19:16:13 EDT 2003

The Hooking With Yarn book by Judy Taylor has come off the presses and
is out for purchase now.  Have the people who ordered theirs gotten them
yet in their mailboxes?  
I will have to get my website updated with the new hooking books.  The
book is lovely, although I would have loved to see it include the
pattern for the BEAUTIFUL ram.  The book looks to be loaded with ideas,
tips, and information on how to produce lovely hooked rugs.
Mary Ellen Hansson
ISeeSpots Farm www.iseespots.com
Jacob Sheep, Fiber, Spinning equipment,
Books, Patterns, Knitting/Crochet/Tatting
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