[Jacob-list] ticks

Alan J Kramer remark at vcn.com
Thu Apr 17 08:24:06 EDT 2003

We just finished shearing last night.  The shearers always comment that our sheep are free of ticks.  We worm with the Ivomec at least once a year which our vet recommended to help not only with worms but to deal with ticks.  He seems to be right.  We haven't had a tick since we started on this routine.  Also, some breeds do seem less susceptible to ticks.  We have Jacob and the Navajo
Churro plus a couple "real" or domestic sheep.  Prior to using the Ivomec, the domestic sheep would always have more of a tick problem than the primitive breeds.
Bear River, Wyoming

kbarrett at oregontrail.net wrote:

> Hi: The only ticks I have seen on sheep are actually sheep keds which look alot like a tick. They are host specific so although they will crawl on you and perhaps bite you, they won't stay with you. The only way I know of getting rid ot them is to: shear, give your sheep ivomec injectable wormer, and move them to a different pasture for at least a month to prevent reinfection. Good luck
> Kate Barrett
> Ruby Peak Jacobs
> Lostine, OR
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