[Jacob-list] Jacob Jugs…

ranchrat at telusplanet.net ranchrat at telusplanet.net
Tue Mar 18 03:53:52 EST 2003

Heel low:

Put up two lambing jugs in the barn tonight.  Rick always blows me away how he 
can build things...he's usually such a planner, but tonight he kinda winged it 
and it all fit and worked...that is what blows!  I try to wing building and end 
up with a goose egg when the roof falls in and wing DINGS me!  

Anyway, the sheep were hilarious tonight...am sure next time they see us coming 
with a ladder and tools they are going to brace themselves better.  I got home 
from work (so nice it's getting lighter out now!) and we skated down to the big 
barn (it’s melt and soon to be MUD time up here) and started constructing.  We 
built the lambing pens out of galvanized hog panels, Rick had cut them to size 
on the weekend and used a grinder to get rid of any sharp edges.  This way the 
two units can be dismantled and even steam cleaned to sanitize them if wanted.  
The wire stores really neatly and I could even put them up in the rafters to 
utilize space...and maybe I'll know where they are for next year...??

The Jacobs were outside longer than they are use to...spoilt they go in their 
nice barn when it gets dark.  So we put up the jugs, opened up the gates on 
them so the sheep still could use their whole area and took up the tools and 
let them back in.

I laughed...they raced in like always...they know that fresh alfalfa is in 
there waiting when I go in and prep for the evening (no trouble getting them to 
come in...you figure?) and you could almost hear the screeching of sheep 
brakes...like a mini pile up on the Trans-Canada... "Run run...me first, me, 
me, me...I get the food first....SSSSScreechhhhhh!  What's this...we time zoned 
into another dimension?  Where's our barn gone to?"  

The inside IS changed with the jugs in there and the expressions on their 
faces...priceless!  I will be chuckling about them for quite some time.  Took 
them all of ten seconds to realize this was going to be OK...(they still 
managed to find the food)...munch munch munch.  I really gut busted when Haley 
did the big stretch the neck and look "way, way up" like, "Heavens...they even 
installed two heat lamps on pulleys!  Going to have to have mah babes soon so I 
can warm my butt and even out my tan lines."

I think we can safely say the renovations are "Jacob approved!"


    ____(\                Tara Lee Higgins                  /)____ 
   (_____~>        Rat Ranch - An ACD is for LIFE          <~_____) 
  ( ``  ``          ranchrat at telusplanet.net                ``  `` ) 
   \                       Alberta Canada                         / 
    )  http://www.telusplanet.net/public/ranchrat/index.html     ( 

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