[Jacob-list] Re: safeguard and anthelmentics

J Thomas shepherdofspots at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 18 09:57:16 EDT 2003

This is a very interesting topic to me -- we lost
three lambs this year (half of our lamb crop - we
breed VERY selectively due to small acreage) to
parasites. Two were Jacobs, one was a Wenslydale
-Lincoln - Border Leicester cross (especially hard,
this was my daughter's lamb, it died in her arms). I
have had many conversations with my vet about this
topic and will be doing things differently next

With regard to using wormers on a "schedule", I think
that depends upon where in the country you live. Here
in hot, humid and damp NC (at least this summer - the
drought has finally broken), where the winter
temperatures do not stay below freezing for extended
periods of time (may hit below freezing at night, but
when sun comes up, so does the temperature) --
parasites for both my sheep and horse are a real
concern. I need to be VERY aware of worming timing for
both horse and sheep.

I agree with Fred - under- and over-worming ARE real
problems. However, I would strongly urge you if you
are a new shepherd to consult with your vet and find
out what is recommended for your area. I don't want
anyone to go through what we went through this past

Joy (who is enjoying the cooler weather, fixing
fences, stocking up hay and preparing for winter) 

Joy Thomas, Shepherd & Fiber Artist
Son-Rise Farm, Creedmoor NC
Border Leicester Sheep
French Angora Rabbits
American Fuzzy Lop Rabbits
Hand-spun Yarns, Fleece (seasonal)
Custom Triloom Weaving
Classes - Weaving & Spinning
Website:   www.shepherdofspots.com
E-Mail:      joy at shepherdofspots.com

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