[Jacob-list] Round-Up

Neal and Louise Grose nlgrose at yadtel.net
Mon Feb 9 14:16:23 EST 2004


The wipe-on use of Round-Up is worth looking into. It would be a chore to cut off and apply the stuff to that many plants. There are some wick applicators produced, but they are simple to make. I have seen applicators made from PVC pipe and rope. Pipe is glued together into an "L" or "T" shape. Glue a cap over the lower end and drill two holes into the lower part so that a thick rope fits very tightly in the holes and  extends along the length of the pipe. Concentrated Round-Up is poured into the handle of the applicator and is closed off with a screw in plug in the upper end. The herbicide should just ooze out and wick along the rope. You can then use the applicator to wipe on a small amount of the taller weeds as you walk along. Round-Up is absorbed in a few hours, so restricting the sheep from the treated area for a day or so is all that would be needed if you are treating unpalatable weeds.

As you can imagine, this applies a remarkably small amount of the product. I don't know what Round-Up breaks down to. since it functions by translocating to the growing tips in the stems and roots, it is able to work in very small amounts and is very useful for those plants that spread by rhizomes.

Neal Grose
North Carolina

PS: We have to baby rhododendron here. It's one of those "grows beautifully requiring only rich, evenly moist soils with perfect drainage and lots of organic mater with cool nights and sunny days" plants.  Wish we could average with you.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: gordon johnston 
  To: jacob-list at jacobsheep.com 
  Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 8:47 AM
  Subject: [Jacob-list] Round-Up
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