[Jacob-list] Re: Horned Sheep attacks couple

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Tue Jun 22 06:47:31 EDT 2004

The worst injury I ever received from a sheep was from a ewe and was completely accidental.  I was leaning over to 
empty some water from her feed tub just as she was jumping up to stick her head in the feed bucket I was carrying.  One 
horn hit my glasses and broke them and another horn went through my lip. 

Caution and common sense are always a good idea with any animal, be it a four horned 150 lb Jacob ram or a 12 lb calico 
cat (who is currently sitting on my head trying to pull my ears off - talk about dangerous!)


On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 10:18:49 +0100, gordon johnston wrote:

>Apparently, here in Britain at least, more people are killed and  injured by
>sheep than any other farm animal, possibly because they think of  sheep as
>soft fluffy daft things.
>And whatever did the guy do to that ram with his shovel that it  died
>afterwards ?
>What a horrible report.

 Registered Jacob Sheep & Angora Rabbits
 Handspun Yarns

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