[Jacob-list] question on horns

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Sat Apr 30 19:21:09 EDT 2005

So the SUED in a two horned lamb would indicate that the lamb was actually polycerate?  Interesting.  So when you get a four horned lamb from two two horned parents, one parent might actually be polycerate, but not four horned.  Makes sense of some puzzling cases.

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On Fri, 29 Apr 2005 12:49:22 -0400, Neal and Louise Grose wrote:

> My guess is that the SUED trait relates to a split in the cranium
> plates, and the splitting of horn buds are secondary to this. This
> might account for Mary Ellen's ram lamb that is polycerate AND two
> horned. Hey MEH, care to put the joker in the freezer just so that
> we can see what his skull looks like?
> Neal Grose  
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