[Jacob-list] Whether the wether?

Steve and Trish Barrows agf777 at earthlink.net
Tue Dec 27 19:43:31 EST 2005

Greetings, All!
        We pray everyone had a Merry Christmas and is looking forward to a 
blessed New Year!  We have had two wethers in the past (only one currently) 
who were companion animals for our breeding ram.  They were wethered by a 
vet when they were several months old and it became apparent that they had 
undesireable horns, but very good fleeces.  They were very friendly, usually 
gentle, but could be somewhat pushy in an amiable sort of way when it came 
time for treats or grain.  They would "elbow" the the girls out of the way 
when it came time for dinner.
        The one wether we still have now was not a bottle baby, but you 
might suspect he was one...he's big, clunky, a real sweetie, and the first 
one to come when we call the flock.  He's definitely the "second in command" 
behind the breeding ram.  He has not lost all of his ram instincts, though. 
The second year we sheared, we made the mistake of shearing the ram first. 
When he went back into the catch pen, the wether looked at him, and you see 
his mind working..."HA!  He's shrunk!  NOW I can take him!"  So, the wether 
started to try to knock the tar out of the much less bulky ram, who now was 
still as strong, but even fleeter of hoof....Suffice it to say that the 
wether was quickly, and with the shedding of blood, put back in his place, 
as Cooper the ram made it known that width of fleece does not necessarily 
determine who is the leader of the pack...
        With the small flock we have...currently 8, we cannot picture trying 
to keep the ram separate without the companion wether.  They are really good 
together, getting along quite well, even with only two in a paddock.
Steve and Trish
Amazing Grace Farm

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