[Jacob-list] worst lambing experiences topic

Melody critterland at bendcable.com
Sat Feb 19 10:19:01 EST 2005

I've been fortunate in not having any really horrible lambings so far.  The 
worst I had was a couple years ago with a first-timer who went into labor in 
the pasture,  apparently decided after a short period that she should have 
produced the lamb by then, and went looking for it.  she was not one of my 
tamer ewes, and was very distressed at being unable to find the lamb as she 
trotted around the pasture calling and calling, and not letting me get 
anywhere near her. She was showing no further signs of labor, not stopping 
her search for contractions or pushing.  The lamb, of course, was still in 
the birth canal, with just nose and front feet protruding.  I finally had to 
call for assistance from my sis and BIL, who live nearby, to herd her into 
the barn; in her distress, she would not even pay attention to the rattle of 
the grain can.  By the time we got her inside and in the lambing area, she 
was frightened and exhausted and the lamb was no further out than it had 
been nearly an hour before.  The bag had ruptured, the forefeet and nose 
were swollen and a blue tongue lolled out of one side of the muzzle.  We 
finally managed to pull the lamb, a ewe about 12 lbs (not a ram this time 
LOL), with absolutely no assistance from the ewe.  Much to my surprise, once 
it was on the ground the lamb showed some signs of life, and after some 
brisk rubbing and stimulation was up and nursing  in less than an hour. 
Mama was quite proud, and kept looking at us as if to say "See, I told you 
it was out there!"   She turned out to be a good mom, and has had no more 
problems with lambing.
Melody at CritterLand
Redmond OR 

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