[Jacob-list] this list as a resource

Gillian Fuqua gillianfuqua at adelphia.net
Tue Mar 1 09:49:30 EST 2005

	I have been reading the list lately thinking that I should figure out 
some way to save it and catalogue it so that I can keep all the info 
handy.  I thought I would sound out an idea I have been kicking around. 
  What if I assembled a booklet of responses to various questions like 
lambing, tails, eyes, etc?  What I would do is assemble a list of 
questions, send questions to the list one at a time, and then print the 
questions and the responses.  I would put in people's names but refer 
further questions back to the list.  Also, this would come with a 
disclaimer of not being a definitive source but rather a compendium of 
folks' experiences.  I would then get it printed and bound and offer it 
to people for the price of the printing and the postage.  This would 
mean repeating responses you may have already sent in although I may 
still have the discussion of lilac genetics somewhere....
	Let me know what you folks think, is this something you would find 
	Another snowy day here.  No snow in January but over two feet in 
February.  Ah, winter in Vermont...


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