[Jacob-list] Rams

Meg Steensland beegal7 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 2 23:22:36 EDT 2006

I currently have 4 adult rams - 3 are by themselves each in a separate  paddock and Rudy is in the road pasture with a selection of ewes. I  sent one 2 yr old ram to the butcher shop in 2004 as he kept hitting me  in the knees when I tried to move him - just swinging his head.   My friend Larry has Montadales and is big enough to pick up the ram's  front end when he has him on a lead- Larry took him to the butcher!
  My yearling guy in the pasture with an entourage is told to get in the  barn when I go in to feed and he and one or more ewes go into the barn,  I dish out feed, close the door behind me and then can leisurely feed  the other sheep and lamas.  After feed is delivered and cleaned  up, the ram is released and he heads straightaway for the feed bowls to  clean up any leftovers.  
  Two of the yeaarling rams by themselves are relatively easy to be  around, but I still feed over or through the fence and go in only to  rescue/change dirty water bucket.  One of these guys will be  exhibited at the fair if I can get Larry to help again.  Not sure  if it will be 4Horn Farm Frank-nice guy or Nelson-calm guy that won  breed CH last year.
  The third guy is unhappy alone -  (and he has the biggest  paddock), so when I go into his pen, I let a ewe sneak in with me to  distract him and stay only long enought to grab a dish/bucket whatever.  His tent blew down in June and I have not tried to fix it as it still  gives him some cover/sun shelter. 
  It was Neal (2H ram) that taught me I need to be careful with the boys  (I even got some hockey shorts to wear around him- but really need one  of those Michelin tire suits!)
  At the Knox Fair  I met a woman (and her family) and they have  Shetlands-nice compact breed-smething to graduate to maybe whne I get  to be 80 or so.
  Rams and lambs:  Some people have trouble with rams mauling ram  lambs.  I had no such problem with the guy in the road pasture,  Rudy, nor with another ram, but I sold the rams with Rudy as feeders as  soon as I could (to Amish neighbor) end then moved the other adult out  when his contingent was ~ 2 months old.  I have had more problems  with ewes being mean to other's lambs than with rams hurting lambs.

fayg at mebtel.net wrote:  Please respect your rams. They can be quite dangerous.

I had one put a 3cm across by 8 cm deep hole in my leg with his horns and
another one tried to beat me to death in the fall a few years ago.

In Snow Camp NC about 3 years ago a couple, in their 80s was found in dead with
their sheep. Beaten. Ram was the primary suspect!

The rams are not to be trusted.


Quoting Susan Roenke :

> Hi, all!  Marie got interviewed by our local paper and got her picture too!
> Sue (proud mom :-))
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