[Jacob-list] Experts on 4-horned rams

spotted_sheep at bluefrog.com spotted_sheep at bluefrog.com
Tue Aug 8 12:39:39 EDT 2006

Hi, I too have a ram like that, he did not start doing that until now 
so I would think it would be like deer, in the fall bucks rub off their 
velvet that protects their horn while they are growing, and when they 
do that it is also a way of challenging of other bucks as it makes a 
rattling sound, and its a way of showing of to does. But of course rams 
don't have velvet on their horns...
On top of that my ram does that to itch in-between his horns.

Quoting rns1260 at adelphia.net:

> I have a four horned ram with superb horns. I have noticed him really 
> trashing his horns on objects, as if he wants rid of them. He has 
> stayed isolated in the barn the past few days. Could his horns bring 
> about pressure that is painful? His behavior is odd.
> Any advice welcome.
> Cheryl
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