[Jacob-list] breeding

Meg Steensland beegal7 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 24 10:41:54 EDT 2006

If someone has bought stock from me, I will give them free breeding  (first time) and free board on the sold ewes.  I have not  considered 2nd year.  I would try to convince them to buy a ram.  The striking price for a registerable ram lamb here is $100, not too  much to pay and then register and sell him when you are done.
  My registered, proven rams are more, of course.
   I will be free breeding a ewe who is too related to the ram that  my friend Dennis bought this year.  I would also lend someone a  ram for $25 a month and THEY feed him, providing I have a suitable  guy.  My friend Dennis and I bulk buy our feed together, so i know  what is fed. 
  Another odd thing I did LAST year was presell the lamb offspring (take  what you get) of my two oldest (2002) twinning ewes to Dennis who  would  pay $50/live lamb and board my ewes until lambs were  weaned.  He got 2 ewes and one ram and a stillborn ram and is  still boarding my ewes because they behave so calmly that it helps him  manage his wild ewes better.  I will be collecting my ewes back  next week.  Dennis only lives 12 miles away and and all his Jacobs  but one came from my farm - he bought two from someone else who  originally got them from me in 2004.
  If you do bring in outside ewes, you need to be upfront about whether  they will comingle with others in your flock or not.  I won't  bring in any that cannot be pastured with others in my flock.  I  would worry about bringing in sheep the source of which I did not  already know.
Donna Stimmel <ark at stimmel.calinet.com> wrote:              Can anyone tell me how they handle breeding outside   ewes.. do you charge a "stud fee" or "ewe care" if you are feeding outside   animals for a period of time. I'm not on pasture.. would appreciate any input..   D Stimmel at Lamplighter Fiber
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