[Jacob-list] sheep polio

Katherine Wisor creeksendfarm at mac.com
Sat Feb 4 21:44:36 EST 2006

  What a week >  paralysis = treatment of Thiamine , b12, pen,  
Dexasone  2cc each>  recovery completely ambulatory in 3 hours which  
lasted 4 days to total relapse.  Repeat  treatment hoping for the  
same result > some improvement   not like the first time in fact  
barely noticeable improvement.  Called vet again to mention WMD ,   
Thursday my day off > Drove to Cornelus to the vet to pick up Bo-Se   
1/2 cc.  gave lamb . No noticeable recovery.  Close friend and  
coworker goes in for tests friday ends up with 5 way Coronary  by  
pass >to the hospital at 11 am home at 1 AM Now it's  SAT ,try first  
treatment again within 2 hours lamb can hold up upper toro without  
help.  Can't wait till tomorrow!    Still can't determine WHAT  
disease is the culprit .   Now 3 weeks old .  Tail intact ,  
vaccinated for tetanus at one week old.   Still takes a  bottle  
well.  Hide quarters more effected that front and head.  Although is  
totally flaccid  a few days after  treatment .  More Idea's ????    
Thanks >K
On Feb 4, 2006, at Sat 4 9:21 PM, Ronnasmcb at aol.com wrote:

> Hello,
> Let me start with a disclaimer, usually I wouldn't pass this on  
> since I have no accurate science, but I know the desperate feeling  
> of what to do with a lamb... obviously a veterinarian's advise  
> would be best.  At some point I had a bottle lamb with similar  
> symptoms and somewhere along the way of raising hoofstock babies I  
> remembered we added vit E to the bottle, couldn't remember how  
> much, for how long, dosage, etc., so in my desperation I tried   
> this when I had a bottle lamb with wobbly legs.  The only Vit E I  
> could find comes in oil base in a capsule... I put a pinhole in 3  
> capusles Vit E capsules and squeezed this into the bottle of milk,  
> every other bottle.  I don't know the science, and there could be  
> oh, so many other factors, but within 24-36 hours the lamb  
> improved.  I have since done this several times with success...  
> just treated for a few days until I saw improvement.  Bo-Se would  
> be better but if you don't have any this may be an option - no  
> guarantees!  I would be interested to hear what others know about  
> this.  BTW we are considered to be in an area of adequate selenium  
> so I never give mother raised lambs Bo-Se and haven't seen a  
> problem with them (out of about 90 lambs).  Good luck-
> Marilyn McBirney
> Rising Sun Farm
> Pueblo,  CO
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