[Jacob-list] not acting right! ohoh

Tom and Judy Riddolls grey_wethers_farm at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 28 16:45:21 EST 2006

it is 4 oclock and i just got home to find my two 4 year old ewes acting 
funny.  They walk and do everything in short bursts, two quick steps stop. 
two steps. stop.  They look bug eyed.  They seem to like the darkness of the 
barn, they are twitching, like a horse shaking flies and breathing fast.  
They keep their heads low to the ground like they are sniffing, not wobbly 
at all.  They look like they are on drugs really.  They ate the grain i gave 
them as if they have not eaten in weeks.

about them: They are locked in their little barn during dark hours.  I give 
them three big handfuls of sweet COB in the morning and a flake of hay, then 
two handfuls and a flake at 6 when i shut them in.  I cleaned out their 
water bucket really good (no chemicals just scrubbing) only 5 days ago.  
They have spent the last 2 days locked in the barn all day to let the new 
grass grow.

They are 4 years old and 4 months pregnant. i've only had them 4 months.
They got into the maple sap buckets a few days ago, and since our water 
smells bad i have given them a couple of litres of fresh sap the last two.  
One ewe is skinny so I have been told a few extra calories can't be bad.  
The sap is definitely fresh, not even hours old.

Same hay, not a new bale, same grain, not moldy or damp only 1/4 way through 
bag.  no change in weather, no nothing.  Oh i feed their minerals into their 
grain no more than 8g a day each.

They stay on their feet and i let them into the pasture to watch them and 
they charged around all wild eyed, but still in fits and starts.  Could it 
be some toxic weed in the hay? some bug they picked up after two days in the 
barn they have slept in for the last 4 months (no other animals in barn) 
chickens, two ducks, and a guinea fowl do hang out in the pasture.

I'm worried! any ideas? The thinner one seems to be worse.

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