[Jacob-list] Snakes vs pigs and King Snakes

Katherine Wisor creeksendfarm at mac.com
Sat Sep 16 13:34:28 EDT 2006

I'm from Wilson NewYork.  Has anyone ever heard of "Rattle Snake  
Hill" ?  Anyway you won't find anything but Gardner Snakes now.  The  
people brought in PIGS to kill all the snakes .  Just wondered of you  
knew that pigs are good for this dirty task?  I like snakes , have  
all my life.  but thats another story ....  anyway  whenever my  
neighbors  find a snake they call me .  Poison one are dispatched BUT  
King Snakes are saved  because they also "DO IN" in any poisonous  
snakes .  Plus I NEVER see them again .  Must be TOO busy eating!     
Anyway just wanted  to add something positive here .  Yes always have  
Benadryl , Betadine, Aspirin  and Colloidal Silver for humans and  
animals >   Thanks  > Katherine
Katherine Wisor RN
400 Dawn Circle
Charlotte NC 28213

On Sep 16, 2006, at 7:40 AM, Linda wrote:

> Our local copperheads don't seem to be terribly venomous.  Our  
> Georgia timber rattlers are small compared to Florida diamondbacks,  
> but the vet tells me the timber rattler venom destroys tissue -  
> unlike the copperhead venom - and leaves a nasty wound, but still  
> is not usually fatal.  Obviously venomous snakes are going to be  
> more or less venomous in different parts of the country.  Benadryl  
> sounds like a good first aid item to have around.
> Linda
> www.patchworkfibers.com
> Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn
> > Very informative post thank you for writing it.  I have Danes and
> > sheep, this is very valuable information for me.
> >
> > Sheri  =o)
> >
> >> ----- Original Message -----
> >> From: Linda
> >> To: jacob-list at jacobsheep.com
> >> Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 3:53 PM
> >> Subject: [Jacob-list] Snake bite
> >>
> >>
> >> In mid August my Great Dane, Maggie, was bitten on the nose by a
> >> copperhead snake.  Of course, I was frantic and rushed her to the
> >> vet as fast as I could considering the 10 miles of road
> >> construction in our county.  I was surprised that the vet's
> >> office took the snake bite rather lightly - no one rushing out
> >> with a crash cart or anything.  The receptionist just looked at
> >> Maggie and said "yep, snake bite" and dialed one of the vets.
> >> I'm a central Florida native where a 7 ft Diamondback Rattler is
> >> not uncommon and a dog has little chance if bitten.  According to
> >> the vet here, less than 5% of the dogs bitten by copperheads die.
> >>   Within the last month, he had treated two small dogs - 10 and
> >> 15 lbs that pulled through fine.  The treatment for Maggie at the
> >> clinic was a antibiotic shot and a shot similar to benadryl.  Her
> >> prescription drugs were an antibiotic, pain pills and otc
> >> benadryl.  Within two days she was feeling fine, although the
> >> swelling took about a week to go away completely.
> >>
> >> Well, last week, one of the ram lambs turned up with one side of
> >> his face badly swollen.  One puncture wound was obvious.  This
> >> was the one ram lamb that is not slated for breeding, thank
> >> goodness.  I treated him with antibiotics and benadryl.  The next
> >> day, the swelling had moved to under his jaw and you would have
> >> sworn he had bottlejaw.  The vet told me that the swelling from a
> >> copperhead bite gravitates. Within two days, there was no sign of
> >> the swelling and he never did quit eating or show any sign of
> >> discomfort.
> >>
> >> Linda
> >>
> >>
> >> www.patchworkfibers.com
> >> Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn
> >>
> >>
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> >> Jacob-list mailing list, sponsored by Swallow Lane Farm &
> >> Fiberworks Jacob-list at jacobsheep.com
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> Jacob-list mailing list, sponsored by Swallow Lane Farm & Fiberworks
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