[Jacob-list] size of horns on ram

Tom and Judy Riddolls grey_wethers_farm at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 25 21:25:31 EDT 2007

I have a yearling ram that I "saved" from going to the butcher, maybe i
should not have bothered but he is really gentle and didn't cost much, and
did what he needed to the first few days here....

but what i'm asking is what sort of attributes should you see on a ram? He
has very small horns, smaller than some of my ewes, and not a very robust
body, but he has the right shape.

Could he have simply had a poor start? he is active and quick witted (if
sheep can ever be described as such) but thin and generally a bit of a
pansy. so in another month we will see if he is potent and if his condition
is genetic or not.

does anyone know why you would have an intact yearling male with dainty
horns and a light frame?

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