[Jacob-list] Pink Eye

Gail lgrisner at earthlink.net
Sun Feb 24 20:39:32 EST 2008

Has anyone ever used Bio-Myacin for pink eye in sheep? I've never had pink eye in my flock of sheep, but my pygmy goats had it once. Someone recomended using Bio-Myacin (which is for cattle) and that they'd had good luck using it for pink eye on their goats. I tried it and in about 4 days, it was almost gone. I was amazed how fast it worked!

My two cents worth on the split eye lid- - - Our first 4 horned ram passed on split eye lids to some of his first lambs (he ended up in someones freezer). One ram lamb ( a Jacob-Katadin X) had a very bad split and within a couple weeks of birth, had a horrible eye infection. Our vet recommended minor surgery to pull the top lid together, to keep out flying debree. He was our very first lamb and we were attatched from the minute he hit the ground, so of course we chose surgery. We also chose to wether him. As it turns out we made two good choices. The eye surgery worked great and wethering has made him an important part of the family. Moe has turned out to be very helpful as a guardian for the flock and a babysitter for lambs & kids(goat & human). Also, when we have farm tours, he is a huggable educational tool.

Is anyone else mired down in mud? We have had more snow and rain this winter, than we have had in the last 3 or 4 years. Our poor Jacobs aren't very pretty right now. We're praying for an early and drier Spring!!!



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