[Jacob-list] Opinion regarding "true Jacob"

Mark Essen messen at socket.net
Tue Jun 3 13:02:01 EDT 2008

I agree, not only JSBA, but all of the other registries would refuse to reject just for these characteristics. But this brings up another point that I think we sometimes forget. There are a lot of Jacob Sheep and Sheppard's out there that do not have any connection to any registry. Their idea of a breed standard is often just a personal preference. My suspicion is that the person making these remarks knows something about Jacobs and has seen some in the past. I also suspect that the ones he is familiar with had knee patches. Thereby making them the pure ones. If my suspicions are correct, then this man had the most dangerous of all commodities...a little knowledge.
I like the idea of having a sign on the gate stating the breed characteristics and history. A little education can turn an unfortunate event into a very positive memory.
----- Original Message -----
From: Marguerite Van Beek
To: Mark Essen
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Jacob-list] Opinion regarding "true Jacob"


I agree. I hold no grunge on him. I just want to know where do they get these idea's from. It is not in the JSBA breed standards nor anywhere else. Would you not agree.

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