[Jacob-list] Feeding Jacobs

gotothewhip at aol.com gotothewhip at aol.com
Fri Jun 20 20:00:19 EDT 2008

Hi all, I am curious of your opinions... We showed our sheep and fleeces at Estes park..... The judge was extremely complimentary of our sheep conformation and fleece quality, but came back to the barn to speak with me, as he he said he had a big problem with the wool on many of my sheep.... and that I would have done much better if this could be addressed.. He said that I had incredible quality, crimp and texture.. however he was seeing wool breaks in most all of my sheep.? He said the type of wool breaks he was seeing was consistant with a feeding issue.? Most often this is seen in overly THIN animals.. however, my seep are all a bit overweight, and have had no periods of being thin.? we talked at length about my feeding program, housing and the like... He was really into this conversation as he said I had incredible animals, and if we could get this issue cleaned up it would be amazing..... After talking about my feeding situation (Mostly 1st cutting alfalfa, ewes are supp
lemented with a corn or COB grain mix during gestation , and lambs are offered free choice 18% Purina Lamb Starter until 4 months) he was concerened that we are feeding too much protein.?

Looking at my options... and after discussion with the local extension agent... I am thinking that we continue with alfalfa, but at a MUCH smaller amount... fed twice daily... but to also put out a low quality grass hay bale for roughage.? Basically... I would be feeding about 1/4 flake of alfalfa (about 1 lb)?per head each day and then free choice of basically a "filler" hay.....Currently, I am feeding about 3.5 lbs hay per head of the 1st cutting alfalfa.. which tested at 16-18% protein

Now neither the extension agent or the judge have Jacobs or primitve breeds... so they both suggsted that I speak with my peers.

Jennifer Tucker
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