[Jacob-list] Classes for Jacob in sheep shows

Meg Steensland beegal7 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 15 05:19:09 EST 2009

in OH we get to show against 'Everything else' and this year the Richland Fair let some kids show crosses against us (that were brought by adults who scurried the kids into showing them)  The crosses won as carcass animals, o course.  I complained that the book says PUREBRED and was called later and told tha NEXT year they will have a class for Jacobs as they want us to continue decorating the barn (did not use that word) but we are a special draw there.  I plan to invite other Jacob breeders to participate so we really have a GOOD show.  Have told Heather and Dave Rader (who finally is getting his sheep allowed into the Ashland (OH) Fair, I'm told)
The Knox Fair was a disappointment this year as they did not get a real judge and asked the guy who has Merinos to judge - he is the one that calls the Shetlands there Shelties and tells me and Cathy Carney that we should get some real sheep!  We always come in at the bottom, except one year her daughter came in first when they got a REAL judge that had done the MD sheep and wool show.  The Merino guy also got to show his sheep against us - others held thm in the ring!  The Natural Coloreds did not show up at Knox this year, even tho they do OK against the Merinos,, sometimes.
I tried to get a specialty breeds (ALBC-listed ones) at our fair in 2008 and and they kept moving the fairboard meeting and then just had it w/o inviting me (after I sent 25 copies of a proposal, as requested)  Our fairboard seems to be run by the city people that do cakes and  other things and do not care about livestock. The plan was to have a special one-day in-out show the last day of the fair after some of the livestock had left (space) and that show might draw more visitors besides the exhibitors.

--- On Mon, 12/14/09, Jaci Siehl <sugarpinejacobs at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Jaci Siehl <sugarpinejacobs at yahoo.com>
Subject: [Jacob-list] Classes for Jacob in sheep shows
To: "JacobList" <jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>
Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 10:00 PM

Our local fair splits the colored wools into 3 classes (long, fine, and everything else).  What happens is the Wensleydales are the only ones in the long wool, the merinos are the only ones in fine, and CA Red and Jacob (so far I'm the only Jacob breeder) go against each other. 
Would it make sense to combine the 3 classes into just one?  The judges still need to know the standard for each breed and the sheep would/could/should be judged against their own standard. 
That would make for fewer classes to judge but would also make a more "interesting" class for the spectators.

Jaci Siehl
Sugarpine Jacobs

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