[Jacob-list] Fwd: Where to purchase

ranchrat ranchrat at telusplanet.net
Tue May 26 16:05:14 EDT 2009

Hey now Hosers..!!

My geography ain't so good most days but isn't Salt Spring in British
Columbia Canuckville.

Is the border open to sheep?...goats? Last time I looked, think only
cows (something about 30 months or sumpthun??) could cross over
US/Canada border? Bovines NOT Ovines..

This last fall I had my vet do up a quote compiled on exporting nine (9)
White Booted Bantam Chickens.cost was over $1,500 just for testing
(which SHOULD cost $0.50 not fifty dollars each for Pullorum test..grrr)
and just the border paperwork on MY side, not the inspection on the US
side, not transportation (airfare, containers, etc.) or even the cost of
the birds (we're giving them to the guy in Minnesota.egads!). I really,
really think the costs would be prohibitive to importing Jacobs into
Canada from the States, course who knows.could be Avian Flu issues
regarding dah birdles, maybe sheeps is gonna be cheaper (cheep cheep,
not so much!!).

Funny thing is that I recall a story that the Jacobs that first came to
NA were quarantined out in Eastern Canada before they hit the States
(Jacob Ladder bunch of which some went to Can Rare Breeds, the
Conservancy flock-I have a ewe, Melody that's great grandfather was
Jacob Ladder Mr. Todd, dam is Conservancy 5E).

Since BSE, we've been like an island unto ourselves.

Hey, anyone on this list reside in the Great White North, a.k.a Canada,
too? IS the border OPEN to sheep????????????????????

Doggone still chugging along.,

Tara Lee Higgins
Rat Ranch - West Central Alberta
Canada, eh....

Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 23:24:47 -0400
From: schmick54 at aol.com
Subject: [Jacob-list] Fwd: Where to purchase
To: jacob-list at jacobsheep.com, teige at telus.net
Message-ID: <8CBABC8A7ED102B-1250-30CF at FWM-M18.sysops.aol.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Can someone please help this gentleman? purchase some Jacobs ? Anyone
in Washington, Oregon ??


-----Original Message-----
From: Stan Teitge <teitge at telus.net>
To: information at jsba.org
Sent: Sat, 23 May 2009 4:07 pm
Subject: Where to purchase


I live on Salt Spring Island and am interested in finding out where I
might buy Jacobs Sheep in B.C preferably on the lower mainland or
interior. A few years ago I had the remnants of a flock which belonged
to someone else. I found the Jacobs to be bomb proof as far as lambing
and foot rot as well as being interesting characters.? ?

Thank You?

Stan Teitge?

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