[Jacob-list] Just curious

ARTHUR PARTRIDGE aztreaz at earthlink.net
Sun Nov 15 22:08:06 EST 2009

--Carl wrote:

>Good question Dan. I am anxious to hear the replies also. Our ram,

Constible, will be 12 the first of March. He may be one of the oldest rams,
but I'm sure there are >ewes that are much older out there.


>Carl in Indiana

My older ram, Ramington Steele, died last winter at age 13. I had him
sheared the previous spring... big mistake! His wool never grew back very
thick, a sure sign of old age. I think he was cold and fell over dead one
night. I should've put a coat on him, I should've never had him sheared or
I should've had him put down before the cold temperatures started. I now
have a rather weak 13-yr old ewe that I didn't have sheared last spring so
she is going into the winter with a thick fleece. She was cold last year
during a brief time when the temperatures were below zero. I really should
have her put down. Hard to do when one has had them for so long, plus she
was one of my first ewes.

Moscow, Idaho

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