[Jacob-list] shearing

Betty Berlenbach lambfarm at sover.net
Fri Jan 8 14:54:05 EST 2010

I vote for my shearer! I tried shearing once, three lambs headed for the butcher anyway, in case I butchered their skin shearing them. Well, I didn't...but didn't cut low enough to get much fleece. They looked horrible when I'd finished, I'd lost three fleeces (at that time, about $75!) and so I decided that David was a great investment: He comes, a crew of friends come, we spend a few hours, and when they leave, the fleeces are all in bags on the porch, skirted and properly rolled and weighed, and ready to take to the NH Sheep festival to sell...which they almost always sell out at...so I'm happy. If I sheared myself, I could never get the price I get for them, I'd ruin part of them, and probably mess up my back in the process, being an old bat! Yea, David!
Betty, in Vermont,who now has a blog, thanks to help from Walter and Linda. See Betty's blog at http://sheepwoman.wordpress.com.
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