[Jacob-list] can I search archives? and Wobbles the lamb

Williams Family williams at jacobsheep.com
Sun Jul 25 12:02:08 EDT 2010

There is no built-in search function with the Jacob-list, but all messages
are saved as individual html pages in the list archive. The search engines
index those pages, so you can search them via Google and probably others.
When searching with Google, enter [Jacob-list] before your search term
(example: "[Jacob-list] split eyelid". You might also try
"site:pairlist.net: " before your term.

You can also browse all the topics of a given month from the list archives
pages at http://www.pairlist.net/pipermail/jacob-list/

- Mark Williams

From: jacob-list-bounces at jacobsheep.com
[mailto:jacob-list-bounces at jacobsheep.com] On Behalf Of Cheryl Gordon
Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2010 4:06 AM
To: jacob-list at jacobsheep.com
Subject: [Jacob-list] can I search archives? and Wobbles the lamb


I have learned a lot by reading this mailing list. Occasionally I wonder
about things that have probably been discussed in years past, but I simply
don't have time to read through all the archives. Although I am fairly
capable on the computer I don't know how to search them. Are they
searchable, and how?

What specifically caught my eye at this time was a mention of a lamb called
Wobbles. I would like to read thru those notes as I had two wobbly lambs
this spring that are still a bit of a mystery. Jennifer, if you remember
what month/year those topics were discussed I would appreciate knowing so
that I could read them.


Cheryl Gordon

chgordon96 at gmail.com

From: gotothewhip at aol.com

Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 19:18:45 +0000

To: <Jacobflock at aol.com>; Jacoblist<jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>

ReplyTo: gotothewhip at aol.com

Subject: Re: [Jacob-list] certified scrapie free

Thank you Frank. It was a learning experience for sure a REALLY expensive
one! I know several folks don't admit to what they see in their flock but I
am a huge believer in sharing info. Frank was a help when we had a
neurologic lamb that was OCD suspect (but necropsy ruled that out). As per
Franks advice we sent tissue off for Tay-Sachs (also negative). We learned a
great deal on that case- many of you recall my questions of you all about
the lamb "Wobbles". I think it is just my background, but when one dies I
need to know why

Jennifer Tucker
Moose Mtn Ranch

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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