[Jacob-list] New Booklet "Guide to Selection of Jacob BreedingStock"

Linda patchworkfibers at windstream.net
Wed Aug 10 09:03:51 EDT 2011

Corriedales can carry the piebald gene, can't they?


On 8/9/2011 5:59 PM, Neal Grose wrote:




> "My son will be showing a 75% Jacob (25% Tunis) in a 4H market lamb

> class in

> September - if he makes weight of 90# - he was 68# at last check. If

> not,

> he really looks like a solid, but short little market lamb, except for

> the

> spots. He is actually polled, which helps, but some people still mistook

> him for a goat at lamb tagging and since he got shorn, he looks like a

> little Holstein calf."



> I recently saw a small flock of Katadins that included 3 piebald ewes.

> The man did said they were in the flock when he purchased them, and

> that they raised off the best lambs of the bunch. Having seen the same

> characteristics in 1/2 Corriedale/ 1/2 Jacob ewes, I wonder exactly

> how recessive the piebald gene is.


> Neal Grose


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Patchwork Farm Jacob Sheep <http://www.patchworkfibers.com>
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