[W126 Coupe] OUSTING

IEAT CURRY mbcoupes@mbcoupes.com
Sat, 8 Jan 2005 09:57:40 -0800 (PST)

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Actually, I haven't been ousted. When Satish unsubscribed me, I enlisted the help of some brilliant but devious computer minds. They just laughed and resubscribed me with over 20 different IP addresses, screen names, passwords etc. Then they hacked into this website, which by the way, they told me was poorly guarded. They installed what is termed a grenade. If I pull the pin, the website comes under their control. The archives disappear and a picture of myself appears on the screen. No idea how it works, but knowing their attention to detail, it works.
What really bothered me about the so-called banishment is that I can understand that Nathan, Chet and a few others take exception with what I have said. However, this Chris Huffine has had absolutely no contact with the group other than to beg someone to please buy his car. He HAS NEVER been in any discussions. Heis obviously some crackpot., as I only go to one other website, and have never been kicked out. He says I've been kicked out of 15 websites. Sorry, but I don't even know of 15 websites. 
So just for the record, I have never had any online discussions with this Chris or with Jay, other than the nasty emails I sent them, which were warranted. Richard and his stupid posts are very annoying, but I guess a few of you are so kind that you'll help anyone. In my mind, he should just go away. There are generic MB sites he can get his answers from. Maybe he should just go buy a Chevy. 
Oh, and what's wrong with Attila? I don't know him, never conversed with him to my knowledge, and he's threatening me at Coupefest? I look forward to it. 
Everybody has different views on people. You all want to feel sorry for someone who steals my stuff great. You want to feel sorry for someone who overstays their Visa by 2 years, great. Now, I really understand that this forum simply isn't interested in anything, off topic, if it is from me. Oh, and rude phone calls aren't my style. So whoever is perpetuating this myth, please stop.
By the way, many regulars have emailed me, offering their support. Its a shame they have to do it in private, because they don't wish to be chastised by the rest of the morons.
Tabir, from our previous emails, you know I have the uttmost respect for you and am in absolute awe of your craftsmanship
Bottom line here guys, is that I am sort of running this site now. Everything is setup and locked and loaded. 

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<DIV>Actually, I haven't been ousted. When Satish unsubscribed me, I enlisted the help of some brilliant but devious computer minds. They just laughed and resubscribed me with over 20 different IP addresses, screen names, passwords etc. Then they hacked into this website, which by the way, they told me was poorly guarded. They installed what is termed a grenade. If I pull the pin, the website comes under their control. The archives disappear and a picture of myself appears on the screen. No idea how it works, but knowing their attention to detail, it works.</DIV>
<DIV>What really bothered me about the so-called banishment is that I can understand that Nathan, Chet and a few others take exception with what I have said. However, this Chris Huffine has had absolutely no contact with the group other than to beg someone to please buy his car. He HAS NEVER been in any discussions. Heis obviously some crackpot., as I only go to one other website, and have never been kicked out. He says I've been kicked out of 15 websites. Sorry, but I don't even know of 15 websites. </DIV>
<DIV>So just for the record, I have never had any online discussions with this Chris or with Jay, other than the nasty emails I sent them, which were warranted. Richard and his stupid posts are very annoying, but I guess a few of you are so kind that you'll help anyone. In my mind, he should just go away. There are generic MB sites he can get his answers from. Maybe he should just go buy a Chevy. </DIV>
<DIV>Oh, and what's wrong with Attila? I don't know him, never conversed with him to my knowledge, and he's threatening me at Coupefest? I look forward to it. </DIV>
<DIV>Everybody has different views on people. You all want to feel sorry for someone who steals my stuff great. You want to feel sorry for someone who overstays their Visa by 2 years, great. Now, I really understand that this forum simply isn't interested in anything, off topic, if it is from me. Oh, and rude phone calls aren't my style. So whoever is perpetuating this myth, please stop.</DIV>
<DIV>By the way, many regulars have emailed me, offering their support. Its a shame they have to do it in private, because they don't wish to be chastised by the rest of the morons.</DIV>
<DIV>Tabir, from our previous emails, you know I have the uttmost respect for you and am in absolute awe of your craftsmanship</DIV>
<DIV>Bottom line here guys, is that I am sort of running this site now. Everything is setup and locked and loaded. </DIV>
		<hr size=1>Do you Yahoo!?<br> 
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