[Retros] Thema Danicum retros

Henrik Juel hj at imm.dtu.dk
Mon Jul 15 08:48:08 EDT 2002

In continuation of my mail dated 21 December 2001, here are more
original retro problems and solutions from the recent issues of Thema
Danicum. New retro originals for this magazine are most welcome; they
may be sent to me: hj at imm.dtu.dk

Solutions for retros from Thema Danicum 103, July 2001:

8504 (Donati)
Last capture was g3xNf4, with the retro play -1.. c7 -2.g3xNf4 Nd5
-3.c6xb7 Nc3 -4.d5xc6 Nd1 -5.e4xd5 d2-d1=N -6.d3 c3xd2 etc.

8505 (Heinonen)
1.Nc3 d5 2.Nxd5 Be6 3.Ne3 Qd3 4.exd3 Bc4 5.dxc4 Nc6 6.Bd3 Rd8
7.Bg6 Rd3 8.cxd3 Nf6 9.Qa4 Ne4 10.dxe4.

8506 (Denkovski & Denkovski)
1.f3 e5 2.Kf2 Bc5+ 3.Kg3 d6 4.a4 Nd7 5.a5 Nb6 6.axb6 axb6 7.Rxa8 Qf6
8.Ra1 Qxf3+ 9.Kh4 Qa3 10.d3 Bd4 11.Bg5 c5 12.Bd8 g5+ 13.Kg3,
1.d3 g5 2.Be3 Bg7 3.Bb6 axb6 4.a3! Ra5 5.a4 Rf5 6.a5 Rxf2 7.Kxf2 Bd4+
8.Kg3 e5 9.a6 Qe7 10.a7 Qa3 11.axb8=B c5 12.Bc7 d6 13.Bd8.

Solutions for retros from Thema Danicum 104, October 2001:

8578 (Jensen)
Last move was Ka2-b1.

8579 (Volet)
Possible retro play: -1.f5xPg6 h7xNg6 -2.Nf4 Qa2 -3.Ne2 Qb1
-4.Nc3 Qc2; now bQ is extracted with wQ following, and bQ returns to a2:
-13.Rb1 Qa1, and Black unpromotes and retracts his pawn to a4:
-17.a3xQb4 Qa5 -18.Kb4 Qb6 -19.c4 Kd6 etc.

8580 (Donati)
1.a4 b5 2.axb5 Ba6 3.Rxa6 Qc8! 4.Rg6 hxg6 5.Nh3 Rxh3 6.Rg1! Ra3
7.Rh1 Ra2 8.Na3 Qd8.

8581 (Juel)
1.g3 e5 2.Lg2 e4 3.Kf1 e3 4.Bc6 dxc6 5.Kg2 Dd3 6.exd3 e2 7.Qf1 e1=Q
8.Ne2 Qxc1 9.Rg1 Qe1 10.Nc1 Qe7 11.Qd1 Qd8 12.Kf1 Bd6 13.Ke1 Bf4
14.gxf4 Bf5 15.Rg5 Be4 16.Rc5 Nf6 17.Rc3 c5 18.f5 Nc6.

Solutions for retros from Thema Danicum 105, January 2002:

8639 (Donati)
Last move was e2xQd3, so Black has the move, but whatever he does, White
mates with Ke2# (not 0-0-0?).

8640 (Juel)
1.a4 Na6 2.a5 Nc5 3.a6 c6 4.axb7 a6 5.b8=B Ra7 6.Bg3 d6 7.d3 Nd7
8.Bg5 Nb8 9.Bf6 exf6 10.e3 Re7 11.Ne2 Kd7 12.Nc1 Re8 13.Be2 Be7
14.Kf1 Rf8 15.Kg1 Ke8 16.Bf1.

Retro problems from Thema Danicum 106, April 2002:

5NNb/pPp2pQP/K1p2ppp/8/k7/2PP4/PPP2P2/8 (12+9)

. . . . . N N b Gianni Donati
+ o + . . + Q o 8727 TD 106
K . + . . + + +
. . . . . . . .
k . . . . . . .
. . o o . . . .
o o o . . o . .
. . . . . . . . Last 6 captures?

rnb1k2r/pp1p1ppp/8/2p1p2n/7q/6b1/PP2NPPP/RNB1KB1R (12+16)

r n b . k . . r Joost de Heer (after Unto Heinonen)
+ + . + . + + + 8728 TD 106
. . . . . . . .
. . + . + . . n
. . . . . . . q
. . . . . . b .
o o . . N o o o
R N B . K B . R Proof game in 9.0

Retro problems from Thema Danicum 107, July 2002:

1nb2bnr/1p3ppp/2pppr2/5k2/5q1P/P2P1P2/1PP2PP1/RN1QKB2 (13+15)

. n b . . b n r Gianni Donati
. + . . . + + + 8796 TD 107
. . + + + r . .
. . . . . k . .
. . . . . q . o
o . . o . o . .
. o o . . o o .
R N . Q K B . . Proof game in 17.5

4K3/1p3pp1/B1pP4/1NrpP3/2k5/RRP4P/pQPPPP2/qNb5 (15+10)

. . . . K . . . Thomas Volet
. + . . . + + . 8797 TD 107
B . + o . . . .
. N r + o . . .
. . k . . . . .
R R o . . . . o
+ Q o o o o . .
q N b . . . . . Release the position

R2qkbnr/2pp1pQ1/pp3pp1/8/6K1/1PPP1P2/1P2N1PP/1N6 (12+12)

R . . q k b n r Michel Caillaud
. . + + . + Q . 8798 TD 107
+ + . . . + + .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . K .
. o o o . o . .
. o . . N . o o
. N . . . . . . Proof game in 17.0

Have a nice summer!

Henrik Juel. Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Building 321,
Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark.
http://www.imm.dtu.dk/~hj Phone +45 4525 3391 Fax +45 4593 2373

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