[Retros] Math aspects from Yefim Treger and the 5-th example! 08/23/2004
Francois Labelle
flab at EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Mon Aug 23 18:54:57 EDT 2004
We've seen an example of positions with different castling rights but the
same "dynamical properties" (the en passant examples with a pin or a check
were considered the same position). I came up with examples where even the
*diagram* looks different, depending on exactly what is meant by "the same
dynamical properties".
Yefim Treger wrote:
> There is a contradiction between definition of Position in chess rules
> and Math (which is: two positions are the same if sets of all games
> emerging from them are the same, not paying attention to numbers of
> moves; also good is graph definition: if trees are the same then
> Positions are equal.)
I find this "math" definition ambiguous. Two game-trees are the same if
all the moves are the same, but what is a move? Here's a list of
1) In its broadest definition, moves are transitions between chess
positions. The move e2-e4 is represented by the starting position and the
ending position. Since a move includes its starting position two
game-trees are the same if the starting positions are the same. The
"chess" and "math" definitions are the same and there is no paradox.
2) A move is represented by its Long Algebraic notation. The move Na8xb6#
means a knight moved from a8 to b6, captured something, and delivered
mate. Here are two positions with the same dynamical properties using that
_________________ _________________
| | |
| . . b . . . b . | . . . . . . b . |
| . p . p . . . . | . p . p . . . . |
| p P k P p . . . | p P k P p . . . |
| P . p . P p . . | P . p . P p . . |
| . . P . . P p . | . . P . . P p . |
| . . . . . . P . | . . . . . . P . |
| . . . . . . R . | . . . . . . R . |
| . . . . K . . B | . . . . K . . B |
White can move his king around, Black can move his g-bishop around. (The
white R and B are there to prevent a draw by A1.3, White can end the game
at any time by moving his rook).
However it is odd to specify that a move is a capture or delivering mate.
3) A move is represented by its starting square and ending square only. My
example is the same except the wK is now on d8.
_________________ _________________
| | |
| . . b K . . b . | . . . K . . b . |
| . p . p . . . . | . p . p . . . . |
| p P k P p . . . | p P k P p . . . |
| P . p . P p . . | P . p . P p . . |
| . . P . . P p . | . . P . . P p . |
| . . . . . . P . | . . . . . . P . |
| . . . . . . R . | . . . . . . R . |
| . . . . . . . B | . . . . . . . B |
Now it's possible to go from the 1st position to the 2nd, so it's possible
to turn this into a 3-repetition of position "paradox" (using the fact
that Kd8xc8 and Kd8-c8 are now considered to be the same move).
4) A move is represented by its Standard Algebraic notation. e2-e4 and
e3-e4 are the same because they're both written "e4". Maybe someone can
make an example based on this.
5) Two game-trees are the same if they're isomorphic as graphs. Then this
position and its 8 symmetrical versions would be the "same".
| |
| . . . . . . . . |
| . . . . . . . . |
| . . . . . . . . |
| . . . . . . . . |
| . . . . . . . . |
| . . K . . k . . |
| . R . . . . r . |
| . . . . . . . . |
One could make a weird "3-repetition of position" example that goes
through 3 of them. Maybe someone can make an example where the positions
wouldn't even look similar.
Yefim, which of my possible definitions did you have in mind? To define
position equality as game-tree equality, you need to specify exactly what
you store at the nodes or edges of that tree. If you answer "I store the
move", specify exactly what information a move does and does not contain.
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