[Retros] Dead position with eternally moving Queen YefimT 08/26/2004

doubleexclam at comcast.net doubleexclam at comcast.net
Thu Aug 26 16:10:54 EDT 2004

If we ignore 3-move repetition and 50-move draws, then
5b1k/4p1p1/1p2P1P1/1Pp2p2/2P2p2/2PK1p2/2PP1P2/1N6 w - - 0 1
yields an 'eternally moving' Knight.

In the FEN of Yefim's Q/R example, the pawn on b5 should obviously be white.

Let's talk rules as applied to chess PROBLEMS. The 3-move repetition and 50-move draws should not be so hastily discarded. They are clearly defined rules. The only change made for chess problems is that the draw is automatic; it does not need to be 'claimed' as in a game. The 50-move rule is honored even if the 'wrong' player has the move, i.e. he played the move rather than making the claim before the move, as would be proper in a game. There are examples (several retros by N. Plaksin) that make good use of the 50-move rule. I believe there are even Proof Games that use the 3-move repetition rule (composed by Buchanan, if memory serves).

If we dispose of these rules because human players don't always claim them properly, then we should dispense with mate and stalemate and even legal moves for the same reason. Niermann-Rossi was steering towards my next question: What is the practical value of this mathematical model if it is not applicable to either chess as a game or chess problems?

-Ryan McCracken

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Subject: [Retros] Dead position with eternally moving Queen YefimT 08/26/2004
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