[Retros] Thema Danicum 112-115
Henrik Juel
hj at imm.dtu.dk
Thu Jun 17 05:04:15 EDT 2004
Here are solutions and original retros from recent issues of Thema
(A copy to you directly, Otto, for posting on the RetroCorner).
Solutions to retros from Thema Danicum 112, October 2003:
9236 (Fieberg)
1.d4 e5 2.dxe5 Bd6 3.Qxd6 cxd6 4.Bf4 dxe5 5.Nd2 exf4 6.0-0-0 f3 7.dNxf3
8.Rxd7 Qxe2 9.Rxf7 Qxf1+.
9237 (Eyjolfsson)
1.e4 d5 2.Qf3 d4 3.Qa3 d3 4.Ne2 dxe2 5.d3 exf1N 6.Bd2 Nxd2 7.f3 Nxb1
8.0-0 Nd2
9.aRe1 Nxf1 10.Re3 Nxh2 11.Kxh2.
9238 (Eyjolfsson)
1.Nc3 Nc6 2.Ne4 Ne5 3.Ng5 Ng4 4.e4 e5 5.Ba6 Ba3 6.c4 c5 7.Qa4 Qa5 8.Qc6
9.bxc3 bxc6 10.Bb2 Bb7 11.0-0-0 0-0-0 12.Re1 Re8 13.Re3 Re6 14.Rh3
Rh6 15.Rh4 Rh5
16.Nh3 Nh6 17.Re1 Re8 18.Re3 Re6 19.Rg3 Rg6 20.f3 f6.
Solutions to retros from Thema Danicum 113, January 2004:
9310 (Volet)
-1... c7xQd6 -2.Qd4 Qg1 -3.Qf6 Qf1 -4.Qf7 Rg4 -5.Qg6 Qe2 -6.Qf7 Qd1
-7.Qg6 Qc1
-8.Qf7 Q=c2 -9.Qg6 c3 -10.c2xQd3 c4 -11.Qf7 b5xBc4 -12.Qg6
Qe4 -13.Bf1 Qf3
-14.e2 Kf4 etc.
9311 (Gräfrath)
1.Na3 Nf6 2.Nc4 b5 3.Na5 e5 4.f3 Bc5 5.Kf2 Bxf2 6.Nh3 Bb6 7.Nb3 Ke7
8.Rb1 Kd6 9.Na1 Kc5 10.Nf2 g5 11.Qe1 Kc6 12.Nd1 Kb7.
9312 (Donati)
1.g3 Nf6 2.Bh3 Ne4 3.Bf5 Nxd2 4.Kxd2 h5 5.Kc3 Rh6 6.Kb4 Rd6 7.Bh6 e6
8.e3 Be7
9.Qf3 Bf6 10.Ne2 Bd4 11.Rd1 e5 12.Rd3 Rg6 13.Ra3 Rg4 14.bNc3
Rf4 15.gxf4 exf4
16.Rd1 Bf6 17.Rd6 Be7 18.Nd1 Bf8.
Retros from Thema Danicum 114, April 2004:
8/2pp2Pp/2P2PrB/2n2pbb/4PRnQ/4pKNr/2PPP2k/6NB (14+12)
. . . . . . . . Michel Caillaud
. . + + . . o + 9389 Thema Danicum 114, April 2004
. . o . . o r B Dedicated to Henrik Juel
. . n . . + b b
. . . . o R n Q
. . . . + K N r
. . o o o . . k
. . . . . . N B #2 (who?)
8/1p3Pp1/PP1pprp1/6nB/4PKbq/4pRNk/2pP1BRr/4b1nN (12+15)
. . . . . . . . Dmitrij Baibikov
. + . . . o + . 9390 Thema Danicum 114, April 2004
o o . + + r + . Dedicated to Luigi Ceriani 1894-1969
. . . . . . n B
. . . . o K b q
. . . . + R N k
. . + o . B R r
. . . . b . n N Last 24.5 moves?
rnbqk1nr/1ppp1pp1/7P/Q7/pBPP4/b1N5/1RP5/KB5R (11+14)
r n b q k . n r Gligor Denkovski
. + + + . + + . 9391 Thema Danicum 114, April 2004
. . . . . . . o
Q . . . . . . .
+ B o o . . . .
b . N . . . . .
. R o . . . . . C+
K B . . . . . R Proof game in 18.5
Retros from Thema Danicum 115, July 2004:
3b4/8/3kb3/rB4n1/2p5/6q1/5n2/4K1N1 (3+8)
. . . b . . . . Wolfgang Dittmann
. . . . . . . . 9455 Thema Danicum 115, July 2004
. . . k b . . .
r B . . . . n .
. . + . . . . .
. . . . . . q .
. . . . . n . . Anticirce
. . . . K . N . Proca -3.5, #1
8/3pppp1/4p3/3ppp1p/4p3/k2ppk1p/1p2p1p1/8 (18)
. . . . . . . . Henrik Juel
. . . + + + + . 9456 Thema Danicum 115, July 2004
. . . . + . . .
. . . + + + . +
. . . . + . . .
k . . + + k . + [all 18 men should appear as neutrals]
. + . . + . + .
. . . . . . . . Color the men
1N6/2pppppp/p7/1b2q3/4k3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR (16+10)
. N . . . . . . Eyjolfur O. Eyjolfsson
. . + + + + + + 9457 Thema Danicum 115, July 2004
+ . . . . . . .
. b . . q . . .
. . . . k . . .
. . . . . . . .
o o o o . o o o
R N B Q K B N R Proof game in 16.0
Henrik Juel. Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Building 321,
Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark.
http://www.imm.dtu.dk/~hj Phone +45 4525 3391 Fax +45 4528 1344
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