[Retros] Two little SPG-challenges

Mario Richter mri_two at t-online.de
Fri Nov 12 07:18:30 EST 2004

Dear retro fans,

thanks to all who replied either here or by private mail!

Although only Noam interpreted my first challenge the way
it was intended, it was interesting to see the solving
times on different platforms with different programs.

Some remarks with regard to challenge 1.

It should have been read this way:

> can *you* (by brain, not by computer) do better than ...

> Position A: rnb1kbnr/pp1ppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPP1PPP/RN2KBNR

> SPG in 7.5 moves (13 + 14)

Problem A is computer-generated, so I could measure my own solving
time (approx. 4min) and make an estimate that a more experienced
solver might get the solution in about 3min.

> Position B: rnbqk1nr/pppppp2/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPP1/R1BQKB2

> SPG in 7.0 moves (12 + 13)

Problem B is hand-made, so - based on the assumption, that problem B
seems to be 3 to 4 times more difficult than A, my estimate here
was 10-15min.

So to make it a challenge I chosed the configuration "Natch on a
350MHz PII-machine" which - based on my estimates, could be beaten
by humans.

And Noam showed that it really can be done:

Noam> I found a solution of A in 2-3 minutes,

which was what I expected,

Noam> and a solution of B in about 5.

which is far less than I expected, so my question here is:
Did you find your solution B simply by trial and error, or did you -
besides the missing Sb1 - find some clou, which helped you in
finding the solution?

Based on the solving times posted so far:

program hardware hash pos. A pos. B (provided by)
natch PII/350MHz 128M 3 mn 50s 34 mn 04s (mri)

Natch P4/3 GHz 512M 1 mn 18.13s 10 mn 11.87s (Anders)

Euclide P4/ 3,4 GHz ? 0 mn 14 s 0 mn 24s (Nicolas)
Natch P4/ 3,4 GHz ? 4 mn (Nicolas)

?natch AMD64 (3200+) none 0 mn 14.01s 4 mn 10.93s (Marco)

?natch P4/1,4 Ghz 200M 1 mn 19s 8 mn 21s (Thierry)

popeye P4/3GHz 128M 36 mn 08.875s 0 mn 7.89s (mri)

natch P4/3GHz 128M 0 mn 47.97s 4 mn 1.15s (mri)
3M 0 mn 14.34s 3 mn 22.80s (mri)

we have the following winners:

Pos A: Euclide and Natch with approx. 14s
Pos B: popeye with approx. 7.9s

Nicolas> "Euclide" is clearly faster than "Natch" for
Nicolas> that kind of problems ...

What do you think?
My impression is, that Euclide and Natch are better in problems
where a 'human-style' thinking is useful for solving (Pos A),
whereas popeye is more suitable for problems (like Pos B), where
a 'brute-force'-approach is preferable.

Noam> ... that's not a fair comparison, because Natch is finding
Noam> a complete list of solutions and I can't claim to have proved
Noam> that there are no others.

Nor did Natch prove, that there are no shorter solutions...
(The Natch documentation explicitly states: "Only the solution in
the given number of single moves are found.")

I would wish the programmers of Natch & Co. would provide a switch,
which forces the detection of shorter solutions.
Is there any specific reason not to do so?

For the second part of my little challenge, I will use a separate

Thanks again,


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