[Retros] Two little SPG-challenges
Joost de Heer
ildjarn666 at linuxmail.org
Wed Nov 24 08:16:25 EST 2004
> > 1nbqkbnr/p1ppp3/6Q1/8/8/8/1PPP1P1P/RNB1KBN1 w Qk - 0 11
> > SPG in 10.5 moves
> 1. a4 f5 2. a5 f4 3. a6 f3 4. axb7 fxe2 5. bxa8=Q exd1=B 6. Qe4 Bf3 7. Qxh7 Bxg2 8. Qxg7 Bxh1 9. Qg4 Be4 10. Qg5 Bg6 11. Qxg6#
And shorter:
1. a4 f5 2. a5 f4 3. a6 f3 4. axb7 fxg2 5. bxa8=Q gxh1=B 6. e4 Bxe4 7. Qg4 Bxa8 8. Qxg7 Be4 9. Qxh7 Bg6 10. Qxg6#
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