Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: [Retros] Two little SPG-challenges

Christoph Fieberg christoph at fieberg.com
Mon Nov 29 16:28:10 EST 2004

I would opt for 2). And I could imagine that a powerful specific search
process for such retros is computable.

Here another attempt in 12.0 (Natch worked so far in vain):

Christoph Fieberg - SPG in 12.0 moves (9+11) - 29.11.2004 - C-
r1bqkbnr/pp4pp/8/8/8/8/3P1P1P/RNB1K1NR w KQkq - 0 13


>Chistoph wrote :

>What computer and what programme do you use? Natch (on 2 GHz, Pentium IV)

>is still "thinking".



>I too was stunned when Mario cooked my problem, not by the fact that the

>problem was cooked, but that the cook was produced so quickly "with his


>My estimation was that testing this problem would take monthes with actual

>programs and actual personal computers. Of course, with some luck, the

>cooks can appear at the begining of the resolution, but...

>My "retro-analysis" was then the following :

>1) either Mario has access to some super-computer in some university or

>enterprise; but he mentioned 350 MHz PII in one of his mails, what makes

>things still more suprising (I have 3GHz PIV)...

>2) either Mario has some surprise in reserve. The fact that he indicates

>that his problem A is "computer-generated" gives some hint...(at least

>that he has some programming ability...).



> Michel

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